A King Day observation

A King Day observation

In the wake of Martin Luther King Day, I have spent the past few days reverberating on the words and actions of Dr. King.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Achieve To Dream was started with the understanding of doing great things to reach your greatest potential. The cycle of dreaming to achieve and achieving to dream is inherent in all of us. This does not come without difficulty or moments of  setback. It is these conflicting encounters that are our compass in life. What does a traveler do when they are lost? They look to find true north to guide them in the right direction.

Presently, we may not use a compass or (if you are like me) deleted the compass app on my phone to save space. However, when I get lost (which is often), I always look to where I came from first, then look to a map to find where I need to go.

What I never lose in these moments is the desire to reach my destination. I never forget where I am going, despite how many weird left turns Waze might make me do. Getting lost and enduring setbacks are a part of experiencing life. It is the choices we make when we get lost or confused that helps sharpen our character and create an acute acceptance of our dreams, goals, and achievements.

Dr. King was on to something when he talks about where we stand at times of challenges and controversy. Leading the Civil Rights movement through the continuous setbacks and incredible difficulties is what we remember, but Dr. King always spoke to a better future based on the strength and character of those who remembered when life was difficult and dreamed of a better future.

Today I hope you will take time to reverberate on your dreams, goals, and achievements to help frame where you want to reach. And when you figure it out, share it with someone else-encouraging them to do the same!

Ian Lee

Director—Achieve To Dream

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